Monday, August 27, 2012

Blogging Our First Week of School

One of my goals for this school year is to be more consistent with our blogging.  It's difficult to keep up the kids enthusiasm about their own blogs, if the teacher is not setting a good example.

To simplify things, I decided to move our class blog onto our website.  I felt that I was spread too thin last year, and I had a lot of trouble keeping up with things.  Also this year, I went back to using students first names for their Kidblogs.  Last year we made up screen names in an effort to increase security, but the down side was that I was constantly confused about who was who.

I decided that the best way to teach about blogging was to model writing a weekly post on our class blog.  I had the students list things in their planners that we did during this first three days of school.  Then I blogged their ideas.  Their enthusiasm increased as they saw their ideas appear in the post.  There was one moment of anxiety when I thought I lost the post, but fortunately I was able to recover the draft.

We will do this again next week, and from there we will move to writing a paper blog.  More about that later.

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